These actions occur throughout all Region, in the 9 islands and maritime areas, focusing on the areas of the Natura 2000 Network.

The following conservation actions are planned:

  • C1: Land purchase;

  • C2: Promotion of extensive capacity building;

  • C3, C4, C5 and C6: Restoration and conservation of terrestrial habitats, habitats for birds, and wild populations of threatened flora;

  • C7: Gathering additional information about Nyctalus azoreum;

  • C8, C11 and C12: Prevention of introduction/expansion, control and eradication of IAS and NIS;

  • C9: Conservation of marine species;

  • C10: Restoration and conservation of coastal and marine habitats;

  • C13: Improvement of integration of N2000 conservation with Agriculture;

  • C14: Improvement of integration of N2000 conservation with Tourism;

  • C15: Improvement of integration of N2000 conservation with fisheries;

  • C16: Improvement of integration of N2000 conservation with marine transport.