Complementary Actions

One of the key features of integrated projects is the need to mobilize other funds (UE, national, regional or private) to finance complementary measures or actions in the specific plan or strategy (in the case of LIFE IP AZORES NATURA, the Priority Framework for Network Action Natura 2000, PAF), but outside the integrated LIFE project itself.

The ultimate goal of this process for an IP nature is the favorable conservation status for all habitats and species.

In this case, LIFE IP AZORES NATURA will seek to mobilize a several number of funds (LIFE program, European Regional Development Fund, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, Interreg, European Maritime and Fisheries Fund etc.) to achieve the strategic objectives in the area of management of the Natura 2000 network.


The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA (LIFE17 IPE/PT/000010) project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
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