

Natura 2000 is an ecologic network for the EU based on the nº79/409/EE (Birds Directive) and nº92/43/CEE (Habitats Directive), which main purpose is to ensure the biodiversity, through the conservation and maintained of the natural habitats including flora and fauna in a favorable state of preservation in the national territory, taking into account the particular economic, social and cultural requirements, as well as regional and local specificities.

This network is composed by Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Area (SPA) and Site of Community Importance (SCI). In the Azores are classified 24 SAC’S, 15 SPA’s and 2 SCI’s, both terrestrial and marine environment and in interface zone.



The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA (LIFE17 IPE/PT/000010) project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
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