Today, the 23th of november, marks the day of the native forest that was created to raise awareness for the importance of these natural forests and the urgency of their protection against their destruction.
The autochthonous forest is a forest where the trees are originated from the territory itself, these are extremely important for the ecosystem because they are better adapted to pests and the conditions of the territory than the species introduced. These forests are also the refuge for other native species that depend on them, making these forests a true biodiversity sanctuary.
The LIFE IP Azores Natura project has also made a commitment to protect, in the best possible way, the native forest of the Azores, namely through the restoration of 3 habitats protected by the Habitats Directive:
• Macaronesian laurel forests (9360*)
• Endemic forests with Juniperus spp. (9560*)
• Bog woodland (91D0*)