Fajã dos Cubres

Island - São Jorge

Code - SJO1

What are we intending to do

The following project interventions will take place in the priority habitat within the intervention area (Natura 2000 code 1150*, coastal lagoons), with the aim of improving its conservation status:
– Opening of channels in the stonewalls that exist inside the lagoon in order to increase water circulation;
– Removal of invasive species, such as Arundo donax, Hedychium gardnerianum, Pittosporum undulatum, and Cyrtomium falcatum;
– Planting of native species that occur naturally in this area: Scabiosa nitens, Rumex azoricus, Myosotis maritima and Morella faya;
– Control of excessive expansion of Juncus acutus and direct sowing of Solidago azorica in the areas of reed removal.

Fajã dos Cubres Fajã dos Cubres Fajã dos Cubres Fajã dos Cubres Fajã dos Cubres
Project co-financed by the European Union LIFE Programme.

The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA (LIFE17 IPE/PT/000010) project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
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