Ilhéu de Baixo

Island - Graciosa

Code - GRA2

What are we intending to do

The following project interventions will take place on Baixo Islet:
– Installation of artificial nests for procellariiformes;
– Installation of shelter boxes for terns during their breeding season;
– Removal of exotic and invasive species, mainly Tetragonia tetragonoides;
– Planting and direct sowing of native species that occur naturally in this area: Crithmum maritimum, Daucus carota subsp. azoricus, Erica azorica, Euphorbia azorica, Frankenia pulverulenta, Myosotis maritima, Spergularia azorica, Solidago azorica and Tolpis succulenta, in order to reintroduce these species to the islet or reinforce existing populations;
– Implementation of biosecurity measures (traps and other devices) to detect possible invasions by exotic species (for example rodents).

Ilhéu de Baixo Ilhéu de Baixo Ilhéu de Baixo Ilhéu de Baixo Ilhéu de Baixo Ilhéu de Baixo Ilhéu de Baixo
Project co-financed by the European Union LIFE Programme.

The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA (LIFE17 IPE/PT/000010) project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
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