Lagoa do Negro

Island - Terceira

Code - TER3

What are we intending to do

The project will carry out a set of tasks to improve the ecological recovery of the degraded bog, namely its water and floristic regime:
– Removal of Cryptomeria japonica through felling, harvesting and shredding of the remaining biomass, or alternatively standing death of larger trees;
– Removal of exotic and invasive species, such as Hedychium gardnerianum, Solanum mauritianum, and Rubus ulmifolius;
– Planting of endemic species such as Juniperus brevifolia, Laurus azorica, Prunus lusitanica subsp. azorica, Ilex perado subsp. azorica, and Vaccinium cylindraceum;
– Reintroduction of native herbaceous species such as Angelica lignescens and several bryophyte species of the genus Sphagnum, typical for this type of bog ecosystem.

Lagoa do Negro Lagoa do Negro Lagoa do Negro Lagoa do Negro Lagoa do Negro Lagoa do Negro
Project co-financed by the European Union LIFE Programme.

The LIFE IP AZORES NATURA (LIFE17 IPE/PT/000010) project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
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